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Bubble Sort (Bars) Algorithms Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list by comparing adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order Bubble Sort
Epicycloid Pattern(Pencil of Lines) Mathematics a.k.a hypercycloid, is a plane curve created by tracing a chosen point on the edge of a circle of radius r rolling on the outside of a circle of radius R Epicycloid Pattern
Epicycloid Curve Mathematics a.k.a hypercycloid, is a plane curve created by tracing a chosen point on the edge of a circle of radius r rolling on the outside of a circle of radius R Epicycloid Curve
Fourier Series Mathematics A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines Fourier Series
Insertion Sort (Bars) Algorithms Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that builds the final list one item at a time Insertion Sort
Lissajous Pattern Mathematics Lissajous pattern is generated by the junction of a pair of sinusoidal waves with axes that are perpendicular to one another Lissajous Pattern
Maurer Rose Pattern Mathematics A Maurer Rose is a polygonal curve with vertices on a rose and can be described as a closed route in the polar plane MaurerRose Pattern
Rose Pattern Mathematics A Rose pattern is generated by the junction of sinusoids plotted in polar coordinates Rose Pattern
Toothpick Pattern Algorithms A Toothpick pattern is a sequence of 2D patterns formed by repeatedly adding line segments or toothpicks to the previous pattern in the sequence. It starts with a single line segment Toothpick Pattern

Last update: December 25, 2021