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Before contributing, we highly recommend introducing yourself and your ideas on gitter.

Setting Up Simulate

  1. Make sure you have Flutter installed (
  2. Fork the repository
  3. Clone the forked repository:
    git clone[YOUR USERNAME]/simulate.git
  4. Connect a device or run an emulator (Make sure your connected device has USB Debugging enabled)
  5. Navigate to the project directory and Run:
    cd simulate
    flutter run

Building your stuff

Fixing a bug:

  1. Open an issue or report on gitter
  2. Make a new branch
    git checkout -b [BRANCH NAME]
  3. Fix the bug, push and open a pull request

Adding a new Simulation:

  1. Got an idea? Discuss the idea on gitter or just open an issue with this template. If the maintainers find it interesting, the issue will be labeled accepted. If you want to work on it and don't know how to implement it yet, we'll help you get it done.
  2. Even if you don't have an idea but are interested in working on one, checkout the accepted simulation ideas and get assigned.
  3. You can start working now! Make sure you ask for help when needed, it's okay to get stuck.

Setting Up Docs

  1. Install mkdocs and its requirements
    python3 -m  pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
  2. Check the installations by:

    mkdocs --version

    If this doesn't work, try restarting the terminal

  3. Use the below command to host the documentation on local server

    mkdocs serve --dev-addr
    MkDocs supports live reload so you don't have to run the server again and again. Just make your changes in the docs and you'll see the change immediately.

  4. All the documentation is present in the docs directory.

Don't hesitate in asking questions, it's a part of learning and everyone is here to help.

Last update: February 1, 2022